Over the past two decades, my team has conducted dozens of investigator-initiated #clinicaltrials. Sharing individual clinical trial data with #researchparticipants was an imperative. Why is this crucial?

- Transparency: Providing results fosters trust between #researchers and participants, showcasing the ethical cosharing-clinical-trial-outcomes-with-participants-an-imperativenduct of research and valuing participants' contributions.
- Informed Decision-Making: Participants deserve to know trial outcomes to make informed choices regarding future health and potential treatment options.
- Ethical Responsibility: Upholding ethical guidelines like the #DeclarationofHelsinki, informing participants of results is vital to respecting their autonomy.
- Encouragement for Future Participation: Sharing outcomes can inspire participants to join future studies, witnessing the impact of their involvement.
- Advocacy and Support: Results can empower participants to advocate for others facing similar challenges, fostering a supportive community around the research program.
Sharing results not only strengthens the ethical framework of clinical research but also nurtures a collaborative bond between #researchers and #participants.